Thar Desert: The Struggle for a Drop of Water

Here, life is a constant struggle. The Thar Desert, located at the border between Pakistan and India, is one of the most inhospitable places on Earth. It is a vast expanse of sand and scrub, baking hot during the day and freezing at night. Water is scarce, and rainfall is erratic.

Yet, against all odds, people have managed to survive in the Thar Desert for centuries. In some parts of the desert, rain has not fallen for four years. People have to walk for miles to find water. Water is so precious here that some men bury the water inside a case under the sand and lock it with a gridlock.

Most of the desert dwellers are Hindus, but there are also Muslims. Both of the communities maintain the same tradition of clothing, with bangles on both of their upper arms and lower arms indicate that the women are married, while unmarried women wear bangles only on their lower arms.