Ashura: Mourning the Hero

The Ashura is a very important day for the Shia community. Every year on the 10th of the Islamic month of Muharram, Shia Muslims around the world commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.

For Shia Muslims, the Ashura is a day of reflection and mourning. It is also a day to remember the sacrifice of Imam Husayn and all those who have fought for justice throughout history.

In Pakistan, the Shia community makes up around 20 percent of the population. During the Ashura period, Shia Muslims engage in a variety of rituals, including self-flagellation or zanjirzani. The rituals last for 40 days, until the end of the mourning period known as Chehlum or Arbayn (means the 40th day in Farsi and Arabic).