My name is Gulpasha, 24 years old. My son’s name is Sadiqullah, 6 months. I came to this hospital seven days ago when my son wouldn’t eat or move. He became weaker and weaker each day. We live in Farah (about 300 km from Herat). I had no choice but to come here, because the Farah clinic has no medicine or doctor. My 3-year-old daughter is also weak and malnourished, but I had to leave her back at home. My husband was forced to sell much of our animals to pay for food, at very cheap price. We are not growing enough food and we cannot afford food. The result is our sick children. Many other families, hundreds of children like this, are in our villages but cannot afford to come here. If you have daughter, if you have son, you can feel what I feel when I look at my son. You feel the same as me. You feel this in your heart.
Herat, Afghanistan, 2008