Chinese culture was prohibited in Indonesia under the New Order regime of Suharto, as the government was highly suspicious towards anything related to communism. The bans included Chinese language, Chinese festivals and Chinese religious rituals. The fall of Suharto in 1998 was followed immediately by Reform era, when Indonesian government adopted democracy and committed to respect the rights of its citizens. The Indonesians of Chinese descent, known locally as Tionghoa, started to gain their rights as equal citizens. They were also allowed to practice their culture. The relationship between the Chinese ethnic and the rest ethnic groups of Indonesia also improved since then. Tionghoa tradition is now considered as part of Indonesian culture and identity. Every year, the city of Bogor holds Cap Go Meh Festival, to mark the 15th day after the Chinese Lunar New Year, and turns the whole city in festivities mode. The Chinese communities and other non-Chinese communities (including Muslims) participate in the parade, exhibiting traditions from all over Indonesia, including the formerly-forbidden Chinese dragon dance.
Bogor, Indonesia, 2013