5 August 2007, more than 100 women held a demonstration in front of UN mission headquarters in Kabul, as a response to the news of the discovery of mass graves in Dasht-e-Chamtala, outskirts of Kabul. The latest found grave contains at least 1000 bodies. During the Soviet occupation, the site was used as joint defense base by the Afghan and Russian military. But whether the graves were dated in Soviet rules, further forensic investigation has to be held. Human rights officials said that at least there were 20 mass graves around Afghanistan. Three decades of wars have claimed somewhere between four and five million souls and left thousands others missing. The women protesters, mostly widows, brought the old photos of their missing men. They demanded UN to conduct an investigation, at least to give them explanation on how their family members disappeared and who holds the responsibility for it.
Kabul, 2007